Marketing for
Cake Decorators

Reach more customers, make more money

Websites || Social Media || E-newletters

Made for cake decorators

Wedding Cakes On Smart Phone

If you're a cake decorator growing your business, it's time to start strategically marketing to hungry customers to make more profit, but perhaps you don't know where to begin.

BiziBakes is an all-in-one marketing system, made for cake decorators.

From social media to websites and mailing lists, our cost effective service is designed to help you!

Hey! I'm Christine

I’ve been a Marketing Manager in the corporate world for over 15 years.

I’ve written and approved tonnes of email newsletters, thousands of social media posts and I write professionally daily.

I also love cake decorating and have been helping cake decorators create websites for their own businesses since 2017.

And now I'm offering more marketing services, to help more people make more money from caking and baking!

Christine with Jess's cupcakes looking at camera

How Can I Help?

Let's stack your multi-tiered cake business!

Professional Websites

Get your business found online

Social Media Content

Ideas and content written for you

Email Newsletters

Send direct emails to your customers


Send me your updates